Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Ok so I'm not the best person for keeping a blog. Established. The past month or so has been a bit of an experience. Getting back on the road with the whole dating thing.....there was a few nights out, a few incidents, a few happenings which results in one complicated mess. Mental note to self never get involved with work people or karate people! Baaaaaaad idea. Still there was some lessons learned. Dont judge by appearances alone, you'll be severely disappointed and there is such a thing as too big ( Dear God Ciaran ) !!! On the bright side training is going great. Back training 5 or 6 times a week now, doing what I love. I have a few important competitions coming up and I have to re establish the fear I strike in those bitches hearts! Lol....

No real news as such. Going to a gig with with all my peeps this Saturday which should be fun. The fabulous Kid Koala. Its a night out with work people mostly so that should result in general debauchery and an " oh god what have I done" the next morning by all involved. Why do we subject ourselves to such embarrassment? Still, I get to spend the night with all the beautiful fab IBM people that I love so much lol.....

Oh I do have some news! I lie. I drive now......its em....funny to watch and scary to participate in but there you go. If you see a black Punto roaring down the M50 get out of the way! Seriously......I can't brake that fast.

It was Daddys birthday yesterday. 53. It's tough watching him get old, remembering how he used to lift all three of us up together. On the other hand though, it's hard to imagine my Dad ever giving up on life. I woke up yesterday morning and looked out the window to see him racing up the street on the kid next doors go kart.....This the guy who comes home from work and draws on fruit, writes song lyrics on my foot when I'm asleep or wakes me up because the sky looks "really cool" and the rain is "refreshing". He loves my film and music and we get on so well.....I just can't imagine him ever not being there and I don't want to either. It's upsetting to think of.

I'm making a promise to myself now to update my blog weekly.....I probably wont so don't hold your breath....but I feel good about the promise i made :-)


Unknown said...

Jeez. He's only 53. I reckon he's got a few more years in him yet.

yoshimi1916 said...

Of course he does but I just know eventually that day will come.....doesn't help that he is a heavy smoker and there is a history of diabetes and cancer in the family

astonvillian said...

Lauren m'dear, you are an L driver. You are not allowed on the M50. sheeeesh.

yoshimi1916 said...

I bloody well go on the M50 if i want too....I just need to figure out how to get the care out of the driveway.....its narrow okay!!!!

yoshimi1916 said...

car even

Unknown said...

lol, time for an update!! :-P

Your Dad sounds really cool Lauren, spending time with the family is just the best fun.

I'm up in Dublin tonight and tomorrow night, what fun! I'll be glad to get back down to the real capital again after :-P