Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday : Montonuous and Mundane

This is my first attempt at keeping a blog so I guess I should tell you a bit about me. I live in Dublin, Ireland and have done for most of my life though I travel quite a bit. I 've seen most of Europe, some of Asia and little of North or South America. The reason for most of my travels is because I am an international karate competitor, something I take very seriously. I love music, Jazz, drum n bass, ninjatune, old rock, classical, gypsy folk, you name it. I love to read and if I was to list all my favourite authors and films I might just get RSI lol.

I've recently gone through a tough time, I've just come out of a long relationship and its taken a lot out of me. I'm a little jaded, a little cynical but I still have a passion for life....just a little more subdued now. Friends would describe me as......well actually I'm not quite sure how they would describe me....I guess I am a little strange in that I generally take a different perspective on things than most other people. I can see the good in bad and the bad in good if that makes sense. I'm prone to little outbursts of excitement ( sometimes I am such a girl lol ) and periods of complete quietness.

I try my best to make people happy. Friends and family are important to me. They see you through difficult times and if they are true friends will never judge you, or reprimand you for bad decisions. I believe everyone should make mistakes, life is about learning from them but from mistakes sometimes we discover new opportunities, new ideas and new directions.

I work for IBM, a job I fell into entirely by accident after deciding 4 years of student life was not the path I wanted to go down. Life is short enough and life experience means more to me than what I can learn from some guy preaching at the top of a classroom. Incidently I'm now earning more than most of those who taught me back in secondary and who said I was making a mistake not going to college....then again from that mistake I might realise a few years futher down the line that I should have listened but you live and learn or so they say...

Anyway on a particularly slow Monday, I decided to start a blog, to document a few happenings , a glimpse of my life for those who are interested and to share ideas with other minds. My introduction is complete :-)


Unknown said...

Heya hun, I'm sure it will be a riveting and debonair account of your adventures. I'll be an avid reader.

yoshimi1916 said...

Hehe debonair account?? we shall see....I wouldn't go that far but do please keep track of it and remind me to keep it updated

Unknown said...

Will do, lol. You can do the same to me and remind me to keep mine updated, it's been 9 months since I've posted in it, gonna start back this week.